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Fairway History Curriculum

At Fairway Primary School, our intent is to deliver a history curriculum which ignites a curiosity about finding out about the past.

We aim to equip the children with the knowledge and skills they need to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. As children progress, we encourage them to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.

At Fairway, we encourage children to EXPLORE significant aspects of history through research and questioning, KNOW about key facts and the chronology of historical events and to COMMUNICATE their knowledge and understanding of the past confidently and effectively.

During their learning journey at Fairway we want children to develop an understanding of the following key concepts:

  • chronology
  • continuity and change
  • cause and consequence
  • similarity and difference
  • historical significance

We aim to make links and weave threads of Technological Advancement, Societal and Cultural Change, Monarchy, Equality, Legacy and Invasion and Conflict.

We aim to develop cultural capital in our learners, by exposing them to a range of historical periods.  This will prepare them for the next stage of their education and enable them to become knowledgeable citizens.

Inclusion is at the core of our vision and ethos. We have developed opportunities to consider the nine protected characteristics of the Equality Act, British Values and children’s development of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education throughout our history curriculum. We look to develop children’s awareness about the lives of others and this work is constantly changing and developing.


History learning at Fairway Primary School is carefully planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on prior learning and provide progression towards end of year and end of key stage expectations.

The organisation of the history curriculum allows children’s knowledge, understanding and skills to develop over time.  We organise the knowledge into three history blocks; knowledge and understanding of British history, knowledge and understanding of wider world history, knowledge and understanding of local history.  These blocks are organised in a chronological sequence so our children can make clear links between different periods of history.

History lessons are planned to:

  • build on prior knowledge.
  • encourage children to think about their learning, to reflect on previous learning and make connections between new and existing learning.
  • give clear learning objectives and success criteria.
  • develop the children’s vocabulary, with adults effectively modelling precise and rich language linked to history.
  • give children opportunities to research, question and draw conclusions.
  • give opportunities for children to work collaboratively in pairs or groups as well as work independently.
  • use effective questioning to check levels of understanding. 

We aim to support all children to reach their full potential by enabling children to overcome barriers to learning. Assessment is used to inform next steps in learning to ensure that children are building on their prior knowledge and making appropriate progress according to their ability and age.


Our history curriculum enables children to:

  • develop an enthusiasm and enjoyment of historical learning and discovery;
  • develop methods of historical enquiry, questioning evidence to draw conclusions;
  • appreciate the civilisations of the past, knowing how we ‘arrived here’ and how we can use this to make sense of the present.
  • Be passionate about knowing who they are and where they have come from;
Understand how what we learn about the past can be used to make the future a better place.