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In Year 6 homework is an essential cog in the learning wheel and allows you to support your child in a number of valuable ways. 

Please encourage your child to read each night and practice times tables if they are not yet secure. Your child is expected to do some homework each evening.

Thank you for your support.

If you have any issues regarding homework please contact me via email at:



Please encourage your child to read daily. It is recommended that you listen to your child read out loud to check for decoding strategies and pronunciation. If reading independently from you, check in with their understanding of the text and sign their reading record book.

Children must bring their reading book and reading record book to school each day as they will need it during DEAR - Drop Everything And Read.

"Reading is the gateway skill that makes all other learning possible." Barak Obama


Each week your child will be asked to learn a spelling rule and list. We will look at the spellings and rules in class and have opportunity to use them in context. Spelling lists will be given to your children at the start of each half term.  There is a list for each week.

Spellings will be tested each week on Thursday.


Maths homework this half term is to practise or learn times tables. 

Times Table Rock Stars is a fabulous tool for learning and practising your tables.

Log onto with the username and password you have been given. Ten minutes per day will really make a difference.

It is expected that by Year 6 children are fluent up to 12 x 12, including related division facts.

Click on the link below for other sites for practising times tables:

Further Learning Links
