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In Year 4, the homework expectation is:

  • To read to/with an adult every day.
  • To  learn weekly spellings off by heart. 
  • To learn maths facts over a week through regular use of TT Rockstars

If you have any issues regarding homework, please do not hesitate to contact me via email on:




Please encourage your child to read daily. As children get older it is still important for parents/carers to read with their children, discuss new vocabulary and ask questions to check understanding of their book as well as to support accurate reading.

Children’s reading records must be signed by a parent/carer after hearing them read.

Reading records should be brought to school daily and will be checked by class teachers each week.



Weekly spelling lists will be given out via a printed list at the beginning of each half term. Please practise these spellings frequently throughout the week leading up to the spelling test . Spelling tests will be completed on paper and returned to parents inside their Reading Record books so that you can keep an eye on how they are progressing. 



The focus for Maths is learning times tables. Please encourage your child to practice these frequently so they know them off by heart.

Don't forget to play Times Table Rockstars (3 minutes a few times a week is ideal)

Click on the link to go to Times Tables Rockstars:

There are also other sites that can be accessed to practice times tables.  Click on the link below to access these:

Further Learning Links